$50 MFA Eating Programs
MFA members have the opportunity to get meal plans now from Lori Forseth. Not only is she a Hall of Fame Athlete from Enterprise High School, All American Soccer Player at college level (Humboldt and Simpson), current member of a Pacific Premiere League soccer team at age 40, current certified fitness trainer and working mother of 3 but she is a walking billboard for fitness able to perform along with having a great physique. Lori will design a month long meal plan with versatility and options so one will learn and apply in their lifestyle for continual use making it more then just a program but a gained knowledge for continued application. The initial consultation and weekly check ins, ability to curtail for eating window, allergies, food preferences, etc. will make this a plan adaptable to any lifestyle so no one has an excuse to fail. Call or Text her at (530) 356-6528 and find her Instagram at @forsethfitness and on Facebook and check her links below.