Serenity Relaxation Beverage

As Mixed Fitness Artists we are constantly looking for things to aid in our training. In this case with Serenity we were looking for a beverage to take after our workouts when we needed to come down from the high paced and stressed workout and focus on recovery. Serenity really is as the drink states "Relaxation in a can" as we experienced. The many people who shared the cases ranged from 18-55 years of age and occupations vary from students to stay at home moms to working professionals. The taste was enjoyed by all and was commented as tasting like cream soda and a small few comments of a subtle aftertaste. The relaxation from drinking occurred from most of us within 15-30 minutes and was felt until sleep. There were no reported sleep issues as everyone slept as they usually would, an some even better. Focus was still the same as normal as people went about their days activities and stress was lowered as well. In conclusion our group will supplement with Serenity for post workout recovery, stress free afternoon and evenings, weekend mornings when rest and recovery is the days plan, and whenever else we see fit for a good tasting beverage that relaxes one. Click banner on right to be taken to their website or click link below to order.